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Sun 27th October 10:00am

Arroo Trail

Type: B

Meeting at: TBD

Frances Mc Donagh
087 6787257


0 B

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Walk Sunday 10th February 2019 Changed to Sunday 17th February.

Posted on: Sat 9th February 9:51pm
Hi people.
Unfortunately, the weather looks like it is going to be very gusty and rainy tomorrow. So rather than wait to see if it is as bad as forecast, we have decided to postpone the walk until next week, the17th February. Naomi will be leading the walk that week too, with the same agenda as would have been tomorrow. I will send out info again next week.
The other thing is, the places on the trip to Transylvania are being booked up fast. As it stands today, there are only 2 left, so if you wish to go, study the itinerary carefully, to see if it suits and inform Naomi ASAP if you are coming on board.

Thanks. Pam
Picture Of Lough Key

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