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Thu 17th October 8:00pm


Type: Talk

Meeting at: Family Resource Centre Boyle

Pam Barnes
087 2027513



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Walk Sunday January 13th 2019

Posted on: Fri 11th January 4:46pm
It is Lough Easkey on Sunday folks, led by me. It is a C walk around the lake and then on forest track and back around the other side of the lake. Boots are good for round the lake as it could be a bit dirty and gaiters if you have them. 12km in length. Mostly flat. Max of 250m climbing. Duration under4 hours. That's all I can tell you. Meet crescent Boyle 10am and 11am North end of Lough Easkey at the car park. If you would like to bring a friend or friends, that is no problem and maybe we can entice more people to join our club. Any queries ? Phone 087 2037513

Picture Of Lough Key

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