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Sun 23rd February 11:00am

Geevagh Area

Type: Climb

Meeting at: TBA

Moira Egan
086 8561561



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Trip to Innisboffin

Posted on: Thu 4th May 1:56pm
Hi for those going to Innisboffin. First, the ferry times from Cleggan are as follows:

From Cleggan Friday 11:30am, 14:00pm and 19:30pm

Depart Innisboffin Sunday 10:00am 13:00pm and 17:00 pm

There is dinner booked in the Dolphin hotel for everyone on Friday night, after the evening ferry gets in.

Also if anyone wants to go, and hasn't booked yet, we have a vacancy in a nice self catering cottage for one or two people. It is a very nice place and very cheap as well. This is due to a cancellation. If you are interested, phone me, Pam 087 2027513.

I am bringing your attention as well to the "Darkness into light" event, that takes place all over the country on Saturday 6th May. It is a fund raiser for Pieta House who provide support for people with suicide ideation. There is a walk on Innisboffin at 04:15am on the Saturday morning, from the community centre and participation costs 25 euro.

See you then. Pam
Picture Of Lough Key

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