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Next Walk

Sun 23rd February 11:00am

Geevagh Area

Type: Climb

Meeting at: TBA

Moira Egan
086 8561561



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View the calendar to see other walks for this year.
Download and print our membership renewal form.

Membership Subs due.

Posted on: Wed 25th October 8:40pm
Just a reminder that subs are due for this years membership. It would be handy for Naomi, our treasurer, to get the membership up to date and so if you have not paid yet, you might send your 40 euro by cheque or by on line banking as soon as you get paid.
What your 40 euros gets:
Membership of Mountaineering Ireland
Insurance in case of accident when you are out
Membership of Boyle Curlews walking club
5-10% off purchases in participating stores
Access to wonderful walks every couple of weeks
Companionship with like minded people
Great craic
And most of all, gets you off the couch and out into the great wide open, enhancing your physical and mental health.
So if that isn't good value for money, what is?
Picture Of Lough Key

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