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Clonbur walks

Posted on: Fri 8th May 3:14pm

Dear Member,

We are meeting at 9am on Saturday 9/5/2015 at the Crescent in Boyle for walks around Clonbur, Co. Mayo.

There will be grade B walks on Saturday and Sunday, both very nice walks.

Accommodation can be booked at the Fairhill House Hotel in Clonbur, 094-9546176, daily from 8am to 3pm. Rooms Euro 45 pps or Euro 65 for single. Reference Curlew Walkers.

Contact Eugene or Zita Griffin for more information. 086-2560400 and 086-3662336 resp.

Best regards,

Henk Meijnhardt,
Secretary Curlew Walkers
Picture Of Lough Key

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