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Walk Sunday 11 December 2022

Posted on: Sat 10th December 1:46pm
This Sunday's walk is with Eileen. The French meaning of this name is Hazelnut!! But I think we prefer the Irish meaning...Light and Desired. Well our light will be taking you from Highwood to Ballyfarnon. It is a "C" grade walk which will lead directly to Shivnan's pub in Ballyfarnon. Hopefully, this friendly hostelry will be open for drinks and a chat to finish off the outing. Suitable for all, this walk will be the last before Christmas day, but there is a post Christmas walk on the 28th December. And of course, before this is the party on the 16th December. Any stragglers who wish to come, put your name down ASAP.
Back to Sunday......Meet Crescent, Boyle 11am or at the community centre next to the church at Highwood 11:30am. For details, phone Eileen 086 194 065
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