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Curlew Walkers AGM 2014

Posted on: Tue 14th October 12:45am
The AGM of the Boyle Curlew Walkers will be held on Wednesday 15/10/2014 at 8PM in the Family Life Centre, Military Road in Boyle, next to the Garda Station


Minutes from last years AGM

Election of new officers
Secretary / MI Contact Person
Events Officer / P.R.O.
(We need new committee members if you can help in any way please let us know)

Points to be discussed

1 Membership fee 2014 / 2015

2 Christmas Night Out:

3 Walking Festival / Open Weekend

4 Future / New Members

5 Training and Map reading:

6 Weekend Away 2015
2nd Weekend away.

Plan and Agree Calendar for 2014 -- 2015
(This is your opportunity to suggest walks you would like to tackle)


Thank you all for attending the meeting.

Henk Meijnhardt, Secretary
Picture Of Lough Key

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