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Sun 23rd February 11:00am

Geevagh Area

Type: Climb

Meeting at: TBA

Moira Egan
086 8561561



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Walk Sunday May 26th 2024

Posted on: Fri 24th May 11:55am
This week, we're away with the fairies. It was to be Letterkeen or Knocknarea, but hey; things change. So there is the one walk, starting where we will meet, at 12 noon at Lock 16, on the canal, Killarcan on the L3390 near Leitrim Village. From here, we will meander along the canal and then climb Sheemore, the hill of the fairies. Named after a time when two local fairy tribes went to war with each other. Another battle took place much later, when in 1921, the IRA ambushed a British army convoy, from a rock on the side of Sheemore, resulting in a few casualties. However, hopefully there will be no fighting on Sunday.
It is a small enough hill, but with a big history, not least the three large neolithic cairns on top at over 5,001 years old. There are a good few ringforts around as well. From here our journey takes us to the Sheemore Inn in Kilclare where you can feast on chips and Pizza and maybe cake if there are any bakers coming. Then back to cars. That;s it. Need more info? Phone Philip 086 335 3000

Picture Of Lough Key

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