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Walk on Saturday April 8th

Posted on: Thu 6th April 2:22pm
Hello fellow walkers,

The first thing to take note this weekend is that the walk is on SATURDAY 8th April, NOT Sunday.
It is a walk up Nephin led by the graceful Fidelma. Meeting at the Crescent, Boyle at 09:00hrs (an early start) HOWEVER Fidelma will not be there and neither will the usual stalwart Philip. They will be at 09:45hrs at the Toyota garage in SWINFORD, as that is more convenient for them. So if you arrive at the Crescent and there are only a couple of people there, be assured the walk is still on. Just head for Swinford. Fidelma says 09:45am sharp at Swinford, but don't get caught for speeding!!
The walk will take about 4 hours with a steep climb included. So B+?
Fidelma can be contacted on 087 2343615.

So see you SATURDAY 🙂 Pam
Picture Of Lough Key

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