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Change of day for this weekends walk
Posted on: Wed 10th June 5:48pm
Hello Walker,
Contrary to the information on the Calendar, this weekend's walk will be on Sunday June 14 and NOT on Saturday. Due to the timing of the tides Coney Island is out of reach.
The walk will be of Grade C+ and includes a walk around Strandhill beach and a steep climb of Knocknarea from the North side following the new track/steps.
We will leave the Crescent in Boyle at 10am sharp and meet at the car park on the left after the RC church in Strandhill from where the walk starts at 11am.
Th walk will take 4-5 hours. For the persons who do not feel up to the climb/descent there are short cuts possible.
Our leader is Zita Griffin, 0863661336.
Hope to see you on Sunday.
Henk Meijnhardt, Secretary