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Two walks on Sunday 17th April 2016

Posted on: Wed 13th April 2:47am

Hi everyone

Just to remind you about the walk this coming Sunday, the 17th April. Details as follows.

Walk. Benwiskin & Benbulben
Level. A (climb)
Meeting Place: The Crescent, Boyle at 9.00am or Henrys Car Park 10.00am
Leader. Bev James. 0892077404

Looking forward to seeing you all !




Hi everyone

Just to let you know that Henk Meijnhardt will be leading a B level walk on Sunday 17th April for those who want to do a shorter walk. The meeting time etc will be as advised earlier, save that you will only be doing one mountain instead of two !

Henks contact number is 0872733373


Bev James
Picture Of Lough Key

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