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Walk Sunday 11th November 2018

Posted on: Fri 9th November 12:03am
The walk on Sunday is more a C walk, than a B walk. The little climb is only 100m and the rest is a coastal kind of walk, incorporating road, track, fossilised coastal rock, then a short climb to a promontory fort, and finishing with a beautiful beach walk. You can go for a swim if you like. Altogether about 11km and a leisurely 3.5 hours. So the walk is suitable FOR ALL!
How do I know so much about this walk? Because I am leading it.....
Location: Raghly, North Sligo. Meet Crescent Boyle 10am OR if more convenient, Yeats Tavern car park on N15 at 10:50am. I will be at the Yeats Tavern. Any queries? Ring me (Pam) 087 2027513. See you there.
Picture Of Lough Key

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